Laurel Anderson is a plant ecologist and poet. Her poems have appeared or are forthcoming in River Heron Review, Pangyrus and Canary, and in the scientific journal BioScience. She teaches at Ohio Wesleyan University and lives with her family in central Ohio, USA.
Read MoreThe Wood Room
Emma Aylor’s poems have appeared or are forthcoming in 32 Poems, New Ohio Review, Mid-American Review, Pleiades, and the Cincinnati Review, among other journals, and she received Shenandoah’s 2020 Graybeal-Gowen Prize for Virginia Poets. She lives in Lubbock, Texas.
Read MoreElectric Potential Or, Synapses on a Bike
Brent Jon Barber is a pediatric cardiologist who practices and teaches at the University of Arizona in Tucson, where he also rides his bike and does some birding with his wife and three sons. His work has appeared in Harmony Magazine, where his non-fiction won the Mathiasen Award.
Read MoreFox Wakes to Cranes; Tightrope Walker
P. V. Beck’s poems are from Fox Went Out, a cycle of poetry that traces the language of wildness and the unspooling of patterns and cycles in a Gray fox’s world. She has authored books and essays on ecology, consciousness and the fool. She lives in northern New Mexico.
Read MoreDay Birds at Night; Our Overburden
Michael Brosnan’s most recent poetry book is The Sovereignty of the Accidental (Harbor Mountain Press, 2018). His poems have appeared in numerous journals, including Rattle, Confrontation, Borderlands, Prairie Schooner, Barrow Street, New Letters, and The Moth. He lives in Exeter, New Hampshire.
Read MoreSnake; Of Mere Living
Abby Caplin’s poems have appeared in AGNI, Catamaran, Manhattanville Review, Midwest Quarterly, Salt Hill, The Southampton Review, and elsewhere. Among her awards, she has been a finalist for the Rash Award in Poetry and semi-finalist for the Willow Run Poetry Book Award. She is a physician in San Francisco.
Read MoreMy Sudden Death: When Our Car Falls from the Chesapeake Bay Bridge
Joellen Craft lives on the Delmarva Peninsula with her family. Her work has recently appeared in Radar Poetry, The Penn Review, and The Collagist, who nominated her poems for a Pushcart Prize. Her chapbook THE QUARRY (2020) won L+S Press's Mid-Atlantic Chapbook Series competition.
Read MoreSilent No More
Mary Pacifico Curtis is the author of Between Rooms and The White Tree Quartet, both chapbooks published by WordTech's Turning Point imprint, as well as poetry and prose that has appeared in The Crab Orchard Review, The Rumpus, The Tupelo Press 30/30 Project, LOST Magazine, Catamaran, and Calyx and in numerous anthologies. She was a 2012 Joy Harjo Poetry Finalist (Cutthroat Journal), 2019 Poetry Finalist in The Tiferet Journal, a non-fiction finalist in The 48th New Millenium Writings contest, and a 2020 poetry finalist in the Naugatuck River Review.
Read MoreMountain Salve; Arguing Again in the Afternoon
Noah Davis grew up in Tipton, Pennsylvania, and writes about the Allegheny Front. His manuscript Of This River won the 2019 Wheelbarrow Emerging Poet Book Prize from Michigan State University’s Center for Poetry, and his poems and prose have appeared in The Sun, Best New Poets, Orion, North American Review, and River Teeth among others.
Read MoreBad Seed; Snapper
Todd Davis is the author of six collections of poetry, most recently Native Species and Winterkill. He has won the Midwest Book Award, the Foreword INDIES Book of the Year Bronze and Silver Awards, the Gwendolyn Brooks Poetry Prize, and the Chautauqua Editors Prize. He teaches environmental studies at Pennsylvania State University’s Altoona College.
Read MoreOctober Hands
Mary Alice Dixon lives in Charlotte, NC, where she volunteers with hospice. She has been an attorney and a professor of architectural history who taught in China, North Carolina, and Minnesota. Her recent work is in, or forthcoming from, Kakalak, Main Street Rag, Mythic Circle, Capsule Stories, That Southern Thing, County Lines, Stonecoast Review, North Dakota Quarterly, Passager's Pandemic Diaries, Pine Song Awards: 2021, and elsewhere.
Read MoreThe (Un)knowing
Michelle Dyer is a teacher and poet currently living in Phoenix, Arizona. Her work has been published in Intima: A Journal of Narrative Medicine, and Snapdragon: A Journal of Art and Healing, among others.
Read MoreCloudless Desert
John Elliott is a retired biologist and teacher. He has published poetry in Acorn, The Comstock Review, Southwestern American Literature, Poetry Quarterly, Borderlands: Texas Poetry Review, Tanka Journal, and the anthologies Buzz, Rare Feathers, To Give Life a Shape.
Read MoreThe River will Bear You
Molly Fuller is the author of For Girls Forged by Lightning: Prose & Other Poems (All Nations Press) and two chapbooks Tender the Body (Spare Change Press) and The Neighborhood Psycho Dreams of Love (Cutty Wren Press). She is the winner of Gris Gris’s 2020 Summer Poetry Contest.
Read MoreTaking Trees
Heather E. Goodman’s writing has been published in The Sun, Fiction, Witness, Shenandoah, Gray’s Sporting Journal, and the Chicago Tribune, where her story won the Nelson Algren Award. She teaches high school students and lives along a creek in Pennsylvania with her partner Paul and pups.
Read More[What We Do Not Sing]
Peter Grandbois is the author of eleven books. His work has appeared in over one hundred journals. His plays have been performed in St. Louis, Columbus, Los Angeles, and New York. He is poetry editor at Boulevard and teaches at Denison University in Ohio. You can find him at
Read MoreHistory Intrudes on Morning Tea; Night Stories, 12:01 a.m.
Greg Hewett is the author of five collections of poetry, most recently, "Blindsight" (Coffee House Press) and a forthcoming novel, "No Names." He teaches at Carleton College and lives in Minneapolis.
Read MoreThe Bricklayer:
Ivan Hobson is an MFA graduate from San Francisco State University. Along with teaching English at Diablo Valley College, he is also a multigenerational machinist who works at a shipyard. Ivan’s poetry has appeared in publications including, the North American Review, The Malahat Review, Hunger Mountain, as well as Ted Kooser and The Poetry Foundation’s American Life in Poetry.
Read MoreManhattan, Montana
D. Iasevoli taught for 40 years. He received his doctorate from Columbia University, and, in 2000, he was New York City’s “Poetry Teacher of the Year.” His chapbook, The Less Said, was featured at the Bowery Poetry Café. He now lives in the Adirondack Mountains of New York, where he serves as a volunteer firefighter and makes bows.
Read MoreHow Grownups Fire
Andrew Jarvis is the author of The Strait, Landslide, and Blood Moon. His poems have appeared in Cottonwood, Measure, Plainsongs, Valparaiso Poetry Review, and several others. He holds high honors from the Nautilus, INDIE Book of the Year, FAPA, CIPA EVVY, and NextGen Indie Book Awards. Andrew holds an M.A. in Writing from Johns Hopkins University and lives in Orlando, Florida.
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