Raina Joines is a writer and educator from the Midwest. Her work is out or forthcoming in Chattahoochee Review, Crab Orchard Review, Painted Bride Quarterly, I-70 Review, and Valparaiso Poetry Review. She lives in Denton, TX, and still worries that just one suitcase full of books won’t be enough for the whole trip.
Read MoreA Place Called
Angelica Lai is a writer based in Seattle. Her works have appeared in the book collection Six Words Fresh Off the Boat, Columbia Journal, Paper Darts, Firewords, and Literature for Life. She is also an associate editor for Slant’d and a reader for Moss, a journal of Pacific Northwest writing.
Read MoreA U B A D E
Sarah B. Ledbetter is a dancing writer and a writing dancer whose work for screen, stage, and page has been presented nationally and internationally. Recent publications include Floromancy, Poetry Superhighway, Right Hand Pointing, and R and R Literary Journal. She's currently at work on her first collection as well as a site-specific dance about female solitudes.
Read MoreOutskirts, Rain, Deer; The More Things Change
Joanna Lee, M.D., has had her work published in numerous journals and has been nominated for both Best of the Net and Pushcart prizes. She is the author of Dissections (2017), a co-editor of the anthology Lingering in the Margins (2019), and founder of the Richmond, Virginia community River City Poets.
Read MoreEcho, Orion, in Steel Wood; Echo, Hector, in Burnt Corn
Angie Macri is the author of Underwater Panther (Southeast Missouri State University), winner of the Cowles Poetry Book Prize. Her recent work appears in The Cincinnati Review, Quarterly West, and South Dakota Review. An Arkansas Arts Council fellow, she lives in Hot Springs and teaches at Hendrix College.
Read MoreOf Daffodils
Justin Maxwell was awarded an ATLAS-BoR grant for his play Palimpsests of Agrippina Minor. His short play “Now Maybe Sunbeam” recently premiered online. His plays are widely produced. His prose has appeared in many journals. Justin is an associate professor teaching playwriting at the University of New Orleans.
Read MoreNostos
Donna Mendelson lives in Missoula, Montana, and serves as a faculty affiliate in the Davidson Honors College at the University of Montana. Her poetry has appeared in Blueline and Rendezvous and is forthcoming in ISLE: Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment.
Read MoreMan in Provincetown
Native of Boston and Martha's Vineyard, MA., Stelios Mormoris is CEO of EDGE BEAUTY, Inc. He has published work in The Fourth River, Gargoyle, Humana Obscura, Midwest Poetry Review, the Nassau Literary Review, Press, Spillway, Sugar House Review, Verse, the Whelk Walk Review and other literary journals.
Read MoreIn Juanita's Garden
Ruth Mota lives in the Santa Cruz Mountains of California where she writes verse and sometimes leads poetry circles in the community to veterans and men in jail. Her poems have been published in various online and print journals including: Terrapin Books, Passager Books and Black Mountain Press.
Read MorePlanting Season
Gathondu Mwangi is a geographer who occasionally dabbles in poetry. He spends his time between Massachusetts and Kenya, his home country.
Read MoreBeautiful Water
Kellene O’Hara is currently pursuing her MFA in Fiction at The New School. Her writing has been published in Ab Terra Flash Fiction Magazine.
Read MoreMy Earliest Memory of the Night Sky was Because of a Flat Tire
Yara Omer holds a BA in Journalism and Masters in Deaf Education. She is fluent in Arabic, English, and American Sign Language. Yara writes in Arabic and English and enjoys reading and Astronomy. Published (Mizna - Saint Paul Almanac). Participated in “I am Deliberate and Afraid of Nothing” sponsored by the Poetry Coalition.
Read MoreDaughter, Becoming
Dayna Patterson is the author of Titania in Yellow (Porkbelly Press, 2019) and If Mother Braids a Waterfall (Signature Books, 2020). Her creative work has appeared recently in The Carolina Quarterly, Passages North, and Whale Road Review. She is the founding editor-in-chief of Psaltery & Lyre and a co-editor of Dove Song: Heavenly Mother in Mormon Poetry. She was a co-winner of the 2019 #DignityNotDetention Poetry Prize judged by Ilya Kaminsky. daynapatterson.com
Read MoreRescue
Beth Peterson is the author of Dispatches from the End of Ice. A wilderness guide before she began writing, Beth’s essays and poems appear in The Pinch, Fourth Genre, Terrain.org, and other publications. Beth lives in Grand Rapids, Michigan where she is an associate professor at Grand Valley State University.
Read MoreBlack Nature
Allen M. Price is a writer from Rhode Island. He has an MA in journalism from Emerson College. His fiction and nonfiction work appears or is forthcoming in Transition Magazine, Hobart, The Masters Review, upstreet, Zone 3, Vol. 1 Brooklyn, Entropy, Juked, Bayou, River Teeth, The Fourth River Tributaries (chosen by guest editor Ira Sukrungruang), Jellyfish Review, Sou’wester, Cosmonauts Avenue, Gertrude Press, The Adirondack Review, The Saturday Evening Post, among others. An excerpt of his screenplay ‘Dark Ocean Night’ appears in The Louisville Review. His chapbook ‘The Unintended Consequences of Haitian Reparation’ appears in Hawai’i Review.
Read MoreRope into String; Bless
Ayesha Raees identifies herself as a hybrid creating hybrid poetry through hybrid forms. Raees currently serves as an Assistant Poetry Editor at AAWW's The Margins and has received fellowships from Asian American Writers' Workshop, Brooklyn Poets, and Kundiman. Raees's first book of poetry, "Coining The Wishing Tower" won the Broken River Prize hosted by Platypus Press and judged by Kaveh Akbar, and will be forthcoming in March 2022. From Lahore, Pakistan, Raees is a graduate of Bennington College, and currently lives in New York City. Her website is: www.ayesharaees.com
Read MoreNine Months in Midwest Wheat Country—
Mervyn R. Seivwright has appeared in AGNI Literary Magazine, The Trinity Review (Canada), African American Review, Griffel Literature Review (Norway), Cape Cod Poetry Review, Burningword Literary Journal, INNSÆI Journal (India), Mount Island’s Lucy Terry Prince poetry contest 2nd Runner-Up, and Santa Fe Literary Review 2021 Pushcart Nominee. https://www.clippings.me/mervynseivwright
Read MoreBrief Guide to North Star Transfer Station; Fast Eddie
Brody Lane Shappell is a poet based in Fairbanks, Alaska and is currently studying long-distance as a PhD student at Texas Tech University in the creative writing program. Brody’s work has been published in journals such as Cirque and Southwest Review, and has work forthcoming in Antipodes.
Read MoreEl Dios de Los Cuchumatanes
Chris Shorne holds an MFA from Antioch University Los Angeles and has work published or forthcoming in Utne, Bennington Review, Portland Review, and Duende. Shorne spent a year as an international human rights accompanier with NISGUA (Network in Solidarity with the People of Guatemala), living part-time with Ixil genocide survivors in the Cuchumatan mountains.
Read MoreAfter Apple Picking, Late Anthropocene; Swampland; and Words like salsuginous
Martha Silano’s most recent collection is Gravity Assist (Saturnalia Books, 2019). Her poems have recently appeared or are forthcoming in DIAGRAM, The Cincinnati Review, Cimarron Review, Carolina Quarterly, Sugar House Review, Image, Sixth Finch, North American Review, and elsewhere. Martha teaches at Bellevue College and Hugo House in Seattle.
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