by Carol Barrett
Yes Boys It’s My Truck: sign
on black platinum SUPER DUTY Ford,
six feet off the ground, in line
in front of me for coffee at Dutch Bros.
As we make the curve, I see
she’s a 20ish brunette sporting
another sign on the back
window: Look Pretty Play Dirty.
She lowers her sleek rig to place
the order: an extra large, mounds
of whipped cream. As she slips
her card into the hand-held device,
I notice the license plate frame:
Classy Sassy And (then the number)
Whole Lotta Bad Assy!
She raises her hydraulic body
back to primal position, above
it all, tools off, foot-wide tires
screeching in the narrow drive.
I want my usual, try to sip routine.
Hard to shake this revving
commotion assaulting my senses.
Then I realize: she defies much
graver assaults. Go girl, go!
Carol Barrett has published three volumes of poetry, most recently READING WIND, and one of creative nonfiction. An NEA Fellow in Poetry, she has lived in nine states and in England. Carol's poems appear in JAMA, The Women's Review of Books, Nimrod, Poetry International, and in over sixty anthologies.