Alyse Bensel is the author of Rare Wondrous Things, a poetic biography of Maria Sibylla Merian (Green Writers Press, forthcoming 2020), and three chapbooks. Her poems have appeared in Alaska Quarterly Review, Gulf Coast, Poetry International, and West Branch. She teaches at Brevard College, where she directs the Looking Glass Rock Writers’ Conference.
Rage Hezekiah is a Cave Canem, Ragdale, and MacDowell Fellow who earned her MFA from Emerson College. She is a recipient of the Saint Botolph Emerging Artist Award in Literature and was nominated for Best New Poets, 2017. Her chapbook, Unslakable, is a 2018 Vella Chapbook Award Winner published by Paper Nautilus Press. Stray Harbor (Finishing Line Press, 2019) is her debut full-length collection of poems. You can find more of her work at
Joyelle McSweeney is the author of ten books of poetry, stories, novels, essays, translations and plays, including the forthcoming poetry volume Toxicon and Arachne (Nightboat Books) and The Necropastoral: Poetry, Media, Occults. With Johannes Göransson, she is the co-author of the international press Action Books. She teaches at Notre Dame.
VI KHI NAO is the author of four poetry collections: Human Tetris (11:11 Press, 2019) Sheep Machine (Black Sun Lit, 2018), Umbilical Hospital (Press 1913, 2017), The Old Philosopher (winner of the Nightboat Prize for 2014), & of the short stories collection, A Brief Alphabet of Torture (winner of the 2016 FC2's Ronald Sukenick Innovative Fiction Prize), the novel, Fish in Exile (Coffee House Press, 2016).
Niina Pollari is the author of Dead Horse (Birds, LLC 2015) and the translator of Tytti Heikkinen’s The Warmth of the Taxidermied Animal (Action Books 2012). Her most recent work is the split chapbook Total Mood Killer, written with merritt k and out from Tiger Bee Press.
Manisha Sharma is a Causeway Lit Poetry Award winner, Jack Grapes Poetry Award, American Short(er) Fiction Contest semifinalist. She has poetry forthcoming in Choice Words…. , and recently had poems in the Arkansan Review. A Vermont Studio Center scholarship recipient, AWP mentee, she earned an MFA from Virginia Tech, teaches English, Yoga at New River Community College.
Kailey Tedesco is the author of She Used to be on a Milk Carton (April Gloaming Publishing) & Lizzie, Speak (White Stag Publishing). Her newest collection, FOREVERHAUS, will be available soon. She is a senior editor for Luna Luna Magazine, and she teaches at Moravian College. For more, follow @kaileytedesco.
Maureen Thorson is the author of two collections of poetry, My Resignation (Shearsman Books 2014) and Applies to Oranges (Ugly Duckling Press 2011). A book of lyric essays, On Dreams, is forthcoming from Bloof Books in 2020. She lives in Falmouth, Maine.
Kelly Weber holds an MFA from Colorado State University. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in DIAGRAM, Qu, Mud Season, and elsewhere. She has been longlisted for the [PANK] Book Contest and nominated for the Pushcart Prize, and she has been an editorial assistant for Colorado Review.
Gaby Williams lives in Las Vegas by way of Chicago. Her work has appeared in Day One, Fairy Tale Review, Whiskey Island, and others. She received her MFA in Creative Writing from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas and a BA from Columbia College Chicago. Find her at