ISSUE O.7/spring 2020
Andrea Appleton is a writer and recovering journalist based in Baltimore, MD. Her nature essays have been published in The New England Review, Aeon, and High Country News.
Gail Griffin is the author of four books of nonfiction. "Singular Bird: A Discovery Log," which appears in these pages, is included in her new book, "Grief's Country: A Memoir in Pieces," from Wayne State University Press. Her essays, brief nonfiction, and poetry have appeared in Southern Review, Missouri Review, New Ohio Review, Fourth Genre, and Solstice, among other venues. She lives and writes in southwestern Michigan.
Harriet Heydemann is an MFA candidate in Creative Writing at San Francisco State University. Her work has appeared in The Big Roundtable, Brain,Child, Hippocampus, Driftwood Press, Intima, She’s Got This! Essays on Standing Strong and Moving On, and A Cup of Comfort for Parents of Children with Special Needs.
Talley V. Kayser has worked as a naturalist and wilderness guide since 2007. During the academic year, she directs The Pennsylvania State University’s Adventure Literature Series, teaching courses that combine literary study with outdoor expeditions. She spends her summers writing and exploring mountain landscapes. Read more at
Caleb Roberts holds a PhD in applied ecology from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Caleb has published scientific articles in Nature Climate Change and Ecosphere and creative nonfiction at He studies ecological resilience, prairie chickens, and fire. Caleb is from Kentucky but lives in Nebraska with his wife and cat.
Boen Wang is an MFA candidate at the University of Pittsburgh.