“Shadow Man,” rOGER cAMP

“Shadow Man” is part of a collection of photographs taken around the world called 2˚ West, 3˚ East, an indication that they represent a record of all six continents. They are not defined by a single theme or subject or geographical location. Each photograph is allowed to tell its own narrative by sharing a confidence with the viewer, opening its visual and emotional impact to broad interpretation.

Roger Camp is the author of three photography books including the award winning Butterflies in Flight, Thames & Hudson, 2002 and Heat, Charta, Milano, 2008. His work has appeared in numerous journals including The New England Review, New York Quarterly, North American Review and Southwest Review. His documentary photography has been awarded Europe's Leica Medal of Excellence.

“UNTITLED,” Kiernan Lofland

By accessing notions pictorial landscape, the image recalls the depth, breadth, and seeming boundlessness of an unknown terrain. This alien expanse, built in the studio, relies on constructed material to frame a scene in between paper, plaster, and suppositious landscape.

Kiernan Lofland is an interdisciplinary artist exploring the perception and expanding imagination concerning landscape and images of nature. Lofland has taught at the University of Nebraska Omaha and the University of Nebraska Lincoln. He lives and works in Lincoln, NE, making money as an artist, a teacher, and experienced odd-job expert. 

“Aspens and Pines” and “Missouri Frost,” Ross Peter Nelson

Sometimes in Montana, the seasons change rapidly -- the first snows falling while the trees are yet green. In the year of these photos, however, winter advanced more slowly, allowing color to bloom in the Nevada range and frost to lick the edges of the great Missouri River.

Ross Peter Nelson is a playwright living and working in Montana. He served as playwright-in-residence at Can Serrat (Spain) and serves as Associate Producer for the Last Chance New Play Fest (Helena). When not writing, he finds inspiration hiking and photographing. His photos were recently exhibited at the Livingston Art Center.

“Once Removed” and “Ghosts of the Electric Valley,” Megan Tutolo

"Once Removed" was taken in North Versailles, PA; "Ghosts of The Electric Valley," in East Pittsburgh, PA.

Meghan Tutolo is an artist and copywriter from Pittsburgh, PA. When she isn't writing romance for olives and pasta or grading essays, she can be found restlessly cruising the East End on her pipsqueak motorcycle, cuddled up with her smooshy-faced cats or holed up in her basement workshop making things.